
Which Whey Protein Should I Use and Why?

Which Whey Protein Should I Use and Why

Our bodies need protein to function properly. From fueling energy to carrying oxygen throughout our bodies to creating antibodies that fight infection to keeping cells healthy, and more, protein is a necessary part of our diets. Yet not everyone gets enough protein.

This is why whey protein powders can make a huge difference in our diet and nutrition. What is whey protein? As WebMD explains, “Whey protein is the protein from whey, the watery portion of milk that separates from the curds when making cheese.”

Whey protein not only helps nourish our bodies, but it can be used to build muscle mass and improve sports performance. And it contains beneficial nutrients our bodies need.

Healthline explains the many benefits of whey protein, including “lowering blood pressure, blood sugar and reducing symptoms of stress and depression. It also protects against cancer, reduces symptoms of hepatitis, increases bone mineral density, [and] improves immune function in HIV patients.”

But with so many different whey protein powders out there, it can be hard to decide which will benefit you the most. Read on, as we explain the different types and introduce you to Performance Inspired’s whey protein powders.

It’s important to know that there are three types of whey protein that are used to make protein powder:

1) Whey protein concentrate

Whey concentrate contains 35-80% protein. It also contains fat and a sugar called lactose.

2) Whey protein isolate

Whey isolate contains 85-90% protein. It is low in both fat and lactose.

3) Whey protein hydrolysate

Whey hydrolysate is pre-digested. That means it is broken down so that it’s absorbed better.

So of those three, which should you chose and why? It depends on your needs and your budget. According to Healthline, whey protein concentrate is “the cheapest and retains most of the beneficial nutrients found naturally in whey.” It goes on to say that “if you have problems tolerating concentrate, or you’re trying to emphasize protein while keeping carbs and fat low, whey protein isolate—or even hydrolysate—may be a better option.”

The Cleveland Clinic explains that if you want to build muscle, you should “choose a protein powder with a high biological value (a value that measures how well the body can absorb and utilize a protein). Whey protein and whey isolates are your best options.”

But if you want to lose weight, you should make sure you choose a protein powder that does not have added BCAAs, or branched-chain amino acids, as they promote weight gain and muscle growth. Further, you will want to choose one with no added sweeteners or sugar. The same goes for people with diabetes or blood sugar problems and those with food sensitivities.

Because we at Performance Inspired know our consumers have a wide variety of needs, we created different whey protein powders to suit these needs.

Performance Whey Protein

This whey protein contains 25g of protein. Plus it has added digestive enzymes and 5g of fiber to help with digestion so you don’t feel bloated. Hardcore athletes and everyday athletes can benefit from this powder. It comes in four delicious flavors: natural chocolate, vanilla bean, strawberries and cream, and blueberry.

Diet & Energy Ripped Whey

This whey protein powder contains 25g of protein, but we also added a Thermogenic Diet & Energy Complex with 500mg of L-carnitine, 4g of leucine, 150mg of choline bitartrate, and 85mg of caffeine from natural green tea, so it’s great for a mid-day pick-me-up to give you the energy you need! Plus, we added digestive enzymes to keep you from getting bloated. Low in sugar (just 1g), this powder is made with a blend of guarana and green tea and only natural flavors, sweeteners, and colors. It’s available in mocha, vanilla latte, or dark chocolate.

Isolate Whey

PI’s Isolate Whey helps support muscle growth and a faster recovery. It contains 25g of protein plus three grams of L-glutamine. This powder is low in sugar and low in calories and offers 5.5 grams of naturally occurring BCAAs in every serving! Compared to other brands, PI’s Isolate Whey protein has a higher protein content per gram and is lower in carbohydrates, lactose, and fat. We offer two great flavors to choose from: chocolate passion and gourmet vanilla.

No matter your protein needs, Performance Inspired’s whey protein powders have got you covered. Simply add a scoop to your favorite milk or milk replacement, and enjoy the taste and benefits of added protein. You will feel great, and you will notice a difference in your health and in your energy!

Susan Ciancio
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