Summer is here! That means frequent trips, increased activity, and more time spent in the hot sun. While all that leads to great fun, it can also lead to health problems—if we are not careful. So we wanted to share some ways that you can stay safe and healthy during summer months without having to give up the good times.
1) Hydrate
The most important thing you can do during the hot weather is to stay hydrated! We should all drink at least half of our body weight in ounces of water each day. For instance, if you are 200 lbs, you should drink 100 oz of water each day. But if we are also exercising, we need to increase that amount. The University of Missouri recommends adding 12oz. of water for every 30 minutes of exercise.
It’s important to know the signs of dehydration, as children and the elderly are especially susceptible. Seek help immediately if you or anyone you know is exhibiting these signs:
- Dry mouth
- Headache
- Lightheadedness
- Dizziness
- Little or no urination
- Constipation
- Muscle cramps
Keep up with your hydration with our NEW Performance Inspired 1/2 Gallon Water Jug! The jug features liter markings with motivational sayings and time of day markings to encourage and inspire you to keep drinking throughout the day! It’s leak proof, lightweight, recyclable, and features a flip top lid making it easy to clean and carry.
2) Protein
Fortify your body with protein! It’s easy to forget to eat or to load up on junk when you’re having fun or on a trip. A lack of protein will make you feel sluggish, weak, and even lightheaded. That’s why we recommend carrying a PI protein bar or protein cookie for a quick on-the-go snack. Or using our Double-Wall Stainless Steel Shaker to easily mix your protein shakes when you’re on the run. They’re easy to carry and fit well in a purse or bag.
3) Get good sleep
Rest is also vital for your health. When we go on vacations, we tend to want to go, go, go. We want to see and do things, and sometimes we end up running ourselves ragged with all the activities. In addition to getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night, allow yourself some down time to sit by a pool, take a nap, read a book, and just relax. Your body heals when it sleeps and rests.
4) Use sunscreen
The sun’s rays damage your skin, and repeated damage can lead to skin cancer or just embarrassing wrinkles. We know nearly everyone loves a great tan, but protecting your body comes first! The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends a lotion with at least a 30 SPF.
5) Eat healthy foods
Eating a diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants like fruits and vegetables has numerous benefits, so make wise decisions when it comes to food choices. Most restaurants offer healthy options, and many have delicious salads that are perfect for a hot summer day. When making food choices, instead of white pasta, choose whole grain. Instead of a soda, choose water. Instead of a piece of cake, choose raw nuts or dried fruit. You don’t have to cut out all of the sugary food that you enjoy, but enjoy it in moderation. In addition, smoothies are great on a hot summer day. They help curb that sweet tooth and will give your body the nutrients it needs. Add some PI protein powder or BCAA powder to make your smoothie even heartier or to help increase your energy!
6) Exercise outside
Get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Ride bikes with your friends or your kids. Play golf or tennis. Go for a jog or a hike. Keeping your body fit is not only beneficial to your physical health, but it benefits your mental health as well.
7) Enjoy friends and family
We all move at a hurried pace sometimes. We often forget how much fun it is to just sit and talk with those we care about. Life is too short to focus all of our energy on work. So let us set aside time to spend with those we care about. Laughter really is great medicine!
8) Educate yourself about outdoor plants and bugs
If you’re spending time outside, learn what poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac look like so if you encounter them you can avoid them. In addition, check for ticks when you return from time outside in the woods. A little knowledge can keep you from weeks or even a lifetime of suffering.
We want everyone to enjoy the summer and have fun, but enjoy it safely, and stay healthy.