
Foam Rolling Your Way Back Into Shape

You go to the gym daily and you’re noticing more and more people using the foam rollers. Foam rolling benefits are becoming more apparent. A foam roller can be used to stretch your muscles and tendons. However, a foam roller can also be used to break down soft tissue adhesions and scar tissue. Nevertheless, like every sort of fitness activity, there are some things you should do and some things that need to be avoided.

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Progress Slowly

You’ve been rolling for a good six weeks now, then it’s time for you to progress your rolling to continue to see results. In order to progress your rolling, you can increase the amount of the weight of your roller or decrease the size and/or increase the density of the roller. Make sure you are progressing your rolling at the right time and not too soon. If you feel like you have plateaued in your rolling then it’s time to progress.

Stay Hydrated

Just like any other fitness activity, you need to stay hydrated. After foam rolling you should drink plenty of water to flush out any toxins.

Wait to Foam Roll

You should always wait for 24 – 48 hours after foam rolling to focus on that same area again.


Don’t roll directly where you feel the pain

Usually, when you feel pain, your first intuition is going to be to roll where that pain is occurring. This is a huge mistake. Most muscle pain comes from tension from tension imbalances in the areas surrounding the pain. Instead, focus on the surrounding areas and the connected tissues.

Don’t stay in one spot too long

Staying in one spot for too long with irritating a never or damaged tissue. This can cause bruising and further inflammation. You should stay on a spot for less than five minutes. Remember that you should not re-work that area again for another 24-48 hours.


In Collusion

Athlete massaging and stretching iliotibial band muscle with foam roller. Full body length portrait isolated on white studio background.

If you use a foam roller properly, it can become a great addition to your workout routine. A foam roller will help reduce the soreness and tightness that can occur while you’re sleeping and it can also help increase your flexibility to move throughout the day.

Have a question about foam rolling or have your own foam rolling techniques you’d like to share? Feel free to comment below.

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