
How to go from Cutting to Bulking?

What is Bulking?

A period when the primary goal is building muscle, gaining weight, or increasing strength. Calorie intake is increased so a caloric surplus is present.

How to Bulk?

To bulk effectively you need to take it slow. Many people think they have to  over-eat suddenly to gain the muscle weight they want. Even though you do need to eat more overall to increase your body mass, you should start out lightly with the calorie intake. The trick is to eat barely enough so that you can increase your lifts week-after-week in small integrals.  If you eat too much you will most likely store a lot of it into fat weight, which of course you do not want.

What is Cutting?

A period when the primary goal is losing fat, losing weight, or getting leaner. Calorie intake is decreased and/or calorie expenditure is increased so that a caloric deficit is present.

How to Cut?

With cutting you want to eat small meals every 2-3 hours. Your overall calories must be decreased (mostly from the carbs). You need to Increase your cardiovascular workouts, frequency, and duration. Don’t try to cut weight too fast; slow and efficient is the way to go.  If you see your lifts decreasing week after week, that is an indicator that you need more nutrition to maintain your muscle mass.

How to go into a cut from a bulk?

The process is quite arithmetical. You need to calculate whatever the difference between the current calorie intake value during the bulking phase and the value of calorie intake that would be recorded at the starting point of the cutting phase. The result is then divided by three after which the consumed calories need to be decreased by the same amount every week, for three weeks.


To sum everything up, taking it slow is always the way to go. When going from cutting to bulking, making drastic changes will reverse most of your cutting progress in a matter of weeks. It’s always better to underestimate your adjustments rather than overestimate them. An underestimation can always be adjusted further but an overestimation can’t be undone too easily.

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