We have all been there. A step on the scale elicits a sigh, a groan, or maybe even a gasp. Sometimes it seems that our weight-loss endeavors are fruitless, and we just don’t see the results on the scale. This happens a lot more as people age and their metabolisms change. The things we did when we were younger just don’t seem to work anymore, and we become frustrated by our body’s lack of cooperation.
Because March is National Nutrition Month—a month to focus on “making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits”—we want to take some time to focus on your weight-loss journey.
It’s not an easy one, but know that you are not alone. Millions of people struggle with this. That’s why we want you to know that some dietary, exercise, and overall lifestyle changes can help you lose weight.
First, we want to explain the basic idea behind weight loss. According to the Mayo Clinic, “The equation is simple. If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. And if you eat fewer calories and burn more calories through physical activity, you lose weight.”
With that goal in mind, we have put together nine ways for you to initiate—and sustain—weight loss. The key is to develop a lifestyle of eating healthy foods and exercising. Fad diets get boring; that’s why people don’t stick to them. And they don’t work for everyone all the time. In fact, what may have worked for you in past years may not work now. That’s why we must fuel our body with healthy foods (fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats and protein) and keep it moving with exercise that strengthens our bones and gets the heart pumping.
If you implement these practices, we’re betting that you will soon be happier when you step on that scale.
- Change your mindset.
Tell yourself, “This is the new me.” You are creating a new lifestyle, not an activity that will occupy your next few weeks or months. All of us want to live longer and feel better, and no one wants to get winded walking up a flight of stairs or suffer with heart disease or diabetes related to excess weight. Dietary changes and the formation of a new exercise routine take determination and perseverance. And it takes wisdom to understand that a setback doesn’t have to be permanent. Keep a positive mindset and tell yourself that you will look and feel better.
- Exercise every day.
We all lead busy lives, and sometimes it’s easy to sit at a desk for hours and not move. Or we go from one meeting to another. Or we’re driving the kids here and there. If you cannot take 30-60 minutes to hit the gym, walk around your block, ride your bike, or play a sport, take a few minutes at different times during the day to at least get up and walk. If you’re in an office building, walk up and down the stairs a few times, or walk around the parking lot. At home, go out for a walk after dinner or before you begin work in the morning. The key is to do something active every day.
- Try a 5-minute workout.
Don’t have time for a full workout? You can benefit from just five minutes a day. According to Verywell Fit, “An intense 5-minute workout can help you burn more fat all day” and for up to 48 hours due to the “afterburn effect. . . . This means that your body consumes more oxygen and burns more fat and calories in the hours following an intense workout.” Verywell Fit offers some options of 5-minute exercises you can do at home. You can also Google 5-minute exercises if you want some variation.
- Buy weights, a kettlebell, or bands.
These are great pieces of equipment to have in your home, as you can use them while you watch TV or listen to music. A quick Google search will get you a wide variety of exercises that will benefit different muscle groups.
- Set a timer to get up and move.
Smart watches or fitness trackers can send you an hourly reminder to stand up and walk around. Or you can set a timer on your phone to remind you. Unless you’re a doctor performing surgery or a truck driver on a long haul, chances are your job will allow you a little time every hour to get up and stretch or walk around.
- Stop buying crackers.
Tiny crackers look so innocuous, but when you snack on them—especially if you’re snacking on them out of the bag—you have no idea how many portions you’re actually eating. Chances are, you will be unhappily surprised by how many calories you have just consumed. So ditch the crackers (or chips or whatever snack you’re used to having in the middle of the day) and skip the afternoon snack. If you do need a pick-me-up to give you some protein, try a handful of almonds or Performance Inspired’s protein bars.
- Put down your phone.
Have you ever checked the function of your phone that keeps track of how many hours you’ve spent in certain apps? It’s very telling. And it can be embarrassing. While we all need time to mindlessly scroll or get lost in a game, sometimes we get so lost that hours go by. Take 20-30 minutes that you would have otherwise spent on your phone and go for a walk, jog, or bike ride, or do some squats, pushups, or lift some weights.
- Cut portion size.
We all know an approximation of how much we snack and how much we eat at each meal. Oftentimes it’s too much. Try subtracting one-third to one-half of your normal portion at breakfast and dinner. Eat a normal lunch (don’t overdo it!) so you aren’t starving when it comes to dinner. Then cut back on your intake at dinner. Drink a full glass of water before dinner to help you feel fuller.
- Eat more salads (without the dressing).
We all need vegetables and greens in our diet. The nutrients and vitamins are essential to our body’s well-being. Don’t like salads? You can drink your greens. Try Performance Inspired’s Greens for Life, a powerful blend of organic greens, organic mushrooms, an organic antioxidant blend, and BioCore probiotics. Check out our site or read our blog to see why greens are so incredible!
- Hold yourself accountable.
Set a weight-loss goal. Usually it’s realistic to lose about a pound a week. Then hold yourself accountable to that goal. Get an accountability partner, if that camaraderie helps you. Step on the scale at the same time every morning and record it. If you are exercising regularly and changing the way you eat, that number will go down.
Remember that major weight loss doesn’t happen overnight; it can be a slow process. But changes in your lifestyle will help you lose those unwanted pounds and will help you feel better. Don’t put it off; start today!