
The Many Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

ACVCAP Blog Post

A few months ago, I had a kidney stone. If you have ever had one, you know the pain, and you know that you would look for any remedy to make the pain subside. So I began googling, and one of the online recommendations said to take apple cider vinegar—a type of vinegar made with crushed fermented apples, sugar, and yeast. Many sites said it would help dissolve it. So I tried, and it worked. Eventually the pain diminished and it passed, but as I read about apple cider vinegar, I found numerous other benefits. And since Performance Inspired offers apple cider vinegar in capsule form, I thought I would share five of these awesome benefits.

But first, let’s look at the qualities of ACV and how it’s different from regular white vinegar. According to Healthline, “Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar . . . contains a substance called mother, which consists of strands of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria that give the product a murky appearance.” It goes on to explain that the acetic acid, which is ACV’s primary compound, is “responsible for apple cider vinegar’s health benefits.”

The American Heart Association states that apple cider vinegar “is mostly water – nearly 94% – and also contains a tiny bit of iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, sugar and some potassium” and that it’s a good source of antioxidants, which we need for a healthy immune system, cellular repair, and more.

Taken properly and in the right amounts, ACV is a safe way to reap many health benefits.

So why would PI create an ACV capsule? Well, if you have ever taken a teaspoon full of ACV, you know that not only does it have a very strong taste, but it can upset your stomach. But did you also know that drinking straight ACV can erode the enamel on your teeth and damage the lining of your esophagus? These are problems we definitely want to avoid. That’s why it’s always best to add the apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. But the taste could still be an impediment for many. As could the upset stomach. Enter PI’s apple cider vinegar capsule.

With the capsule, you can reap the many benefits without feeling sick to your stomach. So let’s look at what ACV can do for you.

  1. ACV can help dissolve kidney stones

The Texas Center for Urology says, “Drinking apple cider vinegar helps to dissolve or disintegrate kidney stones. Vinegar itself may help reduce the formation of kidney stones and studies are ongoing.” While not a lot of studies have been conducted, taking ACV is an easy way to help eradicate those stones and may even keep them from forming.

  1. ACV may help gut health

Apple cider vinegar contains natural probiotics. The Cleveland Clinic explains that “probiotics are food and health products that contribute live, beneficial microbes to the populations within your gut and elsewhere, in order to strengthen those communities.” It further explains that “a healthy gut microbiome can boost your overall immunity, reduce inflammation and help keep your bowels regular.”

So if you’re looking to strengthen your gut health and possibly reduce inflammation in your body, try ACV!

  1. ACV may help lower blood sugar levels

The American Heart Association says: “Several studies have found that consuming apple cider vinegar daily could slightly reduce fasting blood glucose and A1C – a test that measures average blood glucose levels over three months – in people with Type 2 diabetes.”

This doesn’t, of course, mean that you should stop any diabetes medications or eat unhealthy foods, but adding a daily dose of ACV may be a beneficial part of regulating your blood sugar levels.

  1. ACV may help you lose weight

Healthline explains that some studies have shown that ACV can help people lose weight because “vinegar can increase feelings of fullness,” which of course then leads to fewer calories consumed. Its site stated, “One review of research noted that in short-term studies when participants consumed apple cider vinegar with a meal containing solid foods, they experienced appetite suppression for 120 minutes after the meal. They also snacked less for 3-24 hours after consuming the apple cider vinegar.”

So if you have problems with weight, if you find yourself snacking throughout the day, or if you tend to overeat, try adding some ACV to your diet to see if that helps you feel fuller longer.

  1. ACV may help ease acid reflux

Some people swear that ACV helps alleviate both acid reflux and heartburn, though no research yet supports this. However, this could be more related to a lack of studies rather than to its ineffectiveness. If you suffer from either of these maladies, ask your doctor if it’s a good idea to try ACV.

When taken properly, apple cider vinegar can do a lot of good for our bodies. And with Performance Inspired’s Apple Cider Vinegar capsules, you can enjoy the benefits without having to endure the strong taste. PI’s capsules contain 1,000mg of apple cider vinegar plus an important Water Balance Blend to keep them from upsetting your stomach. As with all our products, we never use artificial ingredients, so you can trust that our products are both safe and healthy.

So try them today and see how much better you feel!

Susan Ciancio
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