
Happy National Pumpkin Day

There are more to pumpkins then just Jack-o’-lanterns, Pumpkin pie, and Pumpkin spice lattes. What better time to find out how pumpkins can benefit your health than on National Pumpkin day!

Regulating blood pressure

Eating pumpkin is good for the heart. The fiber, potassium, and vitamin C content in pumpkin all support heart health.

Helps Vision

Pumpkins are filled with Vitamin A, which can help protect the eyes from cataracts and degeneration.

Regulate Cholesterol

Pumpkin seeds are high in protein and plant based fatty acids, which help regulate cholesterol levels, protect against arthritis, promote healthy skin, and improve brain function.

Weight loss

Pumpkin is rich in fiber, which slows digestion. Pumpkin keeps you feeling fuller longer! Did you know that there are 7 grams of fiber in a cup of canned pumpkin? That’s more fiber then you get from two slices of bread!

Better immunity

Looking for a way to ward off illness and improve your immune system? Try pumpkin. The Vitamin A in the fruit helps your body fight infectious.

Although we often think fresh produce is healthier than canned, canned and fresh pumpkin can be used interchangeably in recipes, and deliver health benefits.

Have a pumpkin recipe? Please feel free to share with Performance Inspired today!

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