We all need exercise; our bodies benefit tremendously from it. As we’ve entered a new year, we want to highlight some of the reasons why getting out and walking each day—especially briskly, as often a dog will help with—will do wonders for your health.
We definitely need fresh air, especially in the winter months when we tend to spend more time isolated inside. So let’s look at seven bodily benefits we get from walking.
- Walking helps alleviate joint pain.
You may think that walking will hurt your joints if they are already in pain, but it will actually help reduce the pain. According to WebMD, “Physical activity and exercise improve a range of arthritis and joint-related symptoms, including pain, stiffness, swelling, and the ability to perform activities of daily living.” If you have pain and find it difficult to go out for a walk, start slowly and just walk for 10 minutes or around your block. Then work your way to 15 minutes, then 20, then more. The more you get out there and walk, the better you will feel.
- Walking boosts energy.
Most of us have had this experience after a walk. We feel energized, happy, and pleased with ourselves for doing something good for our bodies. That’s because walking releases endorphins and delivers oxygen throughout the body, which gives us a boost of energy.
- Walking improves your mood.
In addition to the endorphins that walking releases, it also increases your blood flow and circulation, which puts you in a better mood. Plus, the fresh air and any flowers, trees, or small woodland animals you come across tend to put a smile on your face.
- Brisk walking can help lengthen your life span.
An article in the British Journal of Sports Medicine reported that “walking at an average or brisk/fast pace was associated with a reduced risk of all-cause . . . and CVD [cancer and cardiovascular disease] mortality . . . compared with reporting walking at a slow pace.” The faster you walk, the better. Celebrating Walk Your Dog Month is especially beneficial; this is where your dog is really helping your health as he pulls you along the sidewalk!
- Walking can help tone your legs.
Regular walking can help tone your legs, especially if you’re walking up hills or up a flight or more of stairs. As you walk, try to vary the location so you get a better workout. Look for trails that have elevation changes. Try increasing your pace as well.
- Walking helps strengthen your heart.
Our hearts need strengthening just like our other muscles do. And walking is a great way to do this. UCLA Health explains that “walking briskly increases your heart rate, improves circulation and lowers your blood pressure”—all of which promote heart health. As the National Institutes of Health reports that nearly 21 million Americans have coronary artery disease and nearly 1 in 5 deaths in the US each year are due to heart disease, we cannot stress enough the importance of exercise.
- Walking burns calories.
This is probably the most obvious benefit, but it’s undeniable. Walking burns calories. The longer you walk and the faster you walk, the more calories you burn. Likewise, the hillier your terrain, the more calories you will burn. If you want to calculate the number of calories you burn, here’s a great online calculator.
We shouldn’t need an excuse to get out and walk, but we get it, life happens, and we don’t always take care of ourselves like we should. So as we celebrate being in a new year and fresh start, let us also reflect on our own health and take steps to strengthen our muscles, our hearts, and boost our mood not just this month but every month of the year.