
5 Ways to Tell Your Protein May Be Dirty

avoid poor protein supplements harmful ingredients

Without even realizing it, you may be consuming dirty protein. No, not dirty in a “this touched the floor and we all know the five-second rule is a myth” kind of way. Dirty in a deceptive, not-what-it-seems kind of way.

The protein supplements, like powders and bars, that you’re using to meet your health goals might not actually be helping you achieve your best. In fact, there are ways in which your well-intentioned protein consumption might actually be doing your body harm. Factors like subpar ingredients, incomplete proteins and even processing facilities that don’t meet the highest government standards might be worming their way into your post-workout shakes.

Read on and learn what to look for when you’re picking your protein sources and how not to get duped by brands that don’t abide by the high quality standards you deserve.

It’s Produced In A Shady Facility

only use protein supplements with natural ingredients

Where your protein comes from is just as important as what’s in it. And not all protein powder production facilities are created equal. While you might think you’re getting quality protein when you purchase that expensive, flashy container, you could be receiving a subpar product.

The Food and Drug Administration keeps strict standards on production facilities. The highest rank goes to production facilities that adhere to the Current Good Manufacturing Practices or CGMPs. CGMPs are no joke. It’s an arduous process to be certified and to maintain certification, you must keep your A game strong.

In order to achieve and maintain that golden CGMP status, a facility needs to be inspected by the FDA. Performance Inspired Nutrition’s facility is compliant with the FDA’s CGMP requirements and, to keep everything in check, the place where this protein powder is made is thoroughly inspected every morning by manufacturing procurement professionals before the machines are even switched on.

It Contains Subpar Ingredients

stay away from processed ingredients and use natural protein

Just like protein production facilities aren’t created equal, neither are the ingredients that go into the products. The quality of your protein should match the quality of dedication you have to your fitness and physique goals. If you’re dedicated, efficient, powerful and natural, your protein supplements should be too.

Many protein powders and bars contain hydrogenated ingredients, which contain trans fatty acids. Fatty acids, like the omega-3s you find in oily fish, are good; trans fatty acids, like those in partially hydrogenated oils, are bad. A study published in Atherosclerosis looked at the impact of prevalent trans fatty acids and linked them to increased levels of lipids in the blood and even increased death rates.

Stick with protein supplements that get their ingredients from natural sources and don’t mess around with over-processed garbage.

It Tastes Like Junk

check your protein supplements for healthy ingredients

If your protein powder tastes bad, your protein powder isn’t doing its job. The reason you’re supplementing your diet with protein is to get the best nutrition to meet your goals. The best way for you to stick with that plan is to enjoy it. Chalky, thick, unappealing protein isn’t going to cut it.

Performance Inspired makes sure that your protein is helping you meet your goals with natural ingredients and, oh yeah, it tastes great, too. With whey powders in flavors like Natural Chocolate, Vanilla Bean, Mocha and Vanilla Latte and bars like Brownie Chocolate Blast, Cookies N’ Cream Extreme and Peanut Butter Chocolate Thunder, you’re going to get the best ingredients and the best nutrition with the best taste.

It’s Incomplete

You think you’re taking the right protein supplement to meet your goals, but are you really getting everything you need from your protein? Maybe not. Some protein supplements are incomplete, meaning it doesn’t contain all nine essential amino acids our bodies need to build new muscle cells. This is especially important if one of your fitness goals is to lose weight without losing lean muscle mass.

According to a study by lead researcher Linda Allis, R.D. and published in Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, those nine essential amino acids can be used as a barometer for the quality of your protein supplement.

“A protein supplement that provides all the indispensable amino acids or a combination of products must be used when protein supplements are the sole source of dietary protein intake during rapid weight loss,” the study claims.

It also states that any reputable protein manufacturer is going to be able to provide you with information about exactly what is in their products, substantiating the claims they make about their amino acid profiles. Boom! If you can’t confirm your protein is giving you everything you need, it’s time to get a new protein.

It’s Full Of Artificial Sweeteners

artificial sweeteners have been linked to bladder cancer

When you choose a natural protein supplement, like those from Performance Inspired Nutrition, you completely avoid the pitfalls of potentially dangerous, always gross artificial sweeteners. Additives like sucralose, aspartame and acesulfame can often rear their sweet and ugly heads in protein supplements.

Artificial sweeteners have been linked to bladder cancer, although researchers are still debating the true impact the sweet stuff has as a carcinogen. It’s largely believed to be present, but negligible and more research needs to be done to confirm its dangers in that regard.

But the evidence is mounting that they can be linked to obesity and related diseases. All of that sweet taste without any real food ingredients can confuse your brain and actually lead to overeating the sweet stuff loaded with real sugar.

“Several large scale prospective cohort studies found positive correlation between artificial sweetener use and weight gain,” said Qing Yang in a review of artificial sweetener research published by the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine.

This could be because artificial sweeteners don’t activate the same neural pathways that real sugar does, crossing your satiety signals and leading to overeating. “Sweetness decoupled from caloric content offers partial, but not complete, activation of the food reward pathways,” the review states. “Activation of the hedonic component may contribute to increased appetite.”

Non-caloric artificial sweeteners might also mess up your gut biology. One study, published in Nature, linked artificial sweeteners to glucose intolerance in gut microbiota, which can cause dysbiosis, an impairment of the good bacteria in your body, and even metabolic disease.

Your protein supplements are more than likely going to be sweetened with something. Look for natural sweeteners, like Stevia or even plain old sugar, and you could avoid craving something even sweeter.

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