
The Low-Down on Garcinia Cambogia & Weight Loss

What is garcinia cambogia?

Garcinia cambogia is a small, pumpkin-shaped fruit that can be found growing on Garcinia gummi-gutta trees in Southeast Asia, India and Africa. So, what makes this tiny fruit such a mighty weight-loss tool? Scientific studies report that Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), the active ingredient extracted from the rind of the fruit, has been shown to reduce body weight by inhibiting fat creation and reducing your urge to eat. Simply put, HCA blocks a vital enzyme needed to create fat from nonfat sources (like carbs, sugar and starch), thus preventing the fat-creating process. HCA is also said to suppress appetites through an increase in serotonin. It’s no secret that ‘emotional’ or ‘bored’ eating is a thing—more serotonin means less stress snacking.

Does garcinia cambogia really work?

Yes, this potent product derived from a powerful fruit can boost fat-burning, reduce belly fat, and curb cravings!

What are the other benefits of garcinia cambogia?

  • Can help lower cholesterol
  • Can improve metabolism
  • Can help reduces stress
  • Can regulate blood sugar


How should I take garcinia cambogia?

Performance Inspired Garcinia Cambogia supplement is stimulant free, so you can take it at any time throughout the day, and with other supplements. Each pill contains 1500mg of garcinia cambogia with 50% HCA per single pill! Don’t be fooled by others who claim a higher HCA serving. Our Pure Weight Loss Supplement doesn’t need misleading hype—it just works!

Where can I buy garcinia cambogia supplements?

Purchase garcinia cambogia at PI-Nutrition.com or by clicking here: Garcinia Cambogia

Click for Supplement Facts Panel: Garcinia Cambogia 

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