Have you ever wondered if you should take a multivitamin? According to a Forbes article, about 50% of Americans take a multivitamin on at least a regular basis. But just because others do it, does that mean you should? What are the benefits? Are there reasons not to take a multi?
These are all great questions, and we will address them here.
A multivitamin is a supplement that contains the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function properly.
But, you ask, can’t I just get those nutrients from my diet? Well, yes and no. It depends on your diet and your health. Most people do not fill their cupboards and their daily diets with only fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. And even if you do, you’re likely to indulge in fatty or sweet foods on some days or forgo healthy options at times.
Recent studies have found that over 40% of Americans are obese and another 30% are overweight. That means that about 70% of the US population is likely not eating as healthily as they should and is not exercising as often as they should.
Because our diets are lacking, or maybe even because we are on the go and cannot always eat the nutritious foods we should, we look to multivitamins to supplement some of what we are missing.
Studies on multivitamins have given mixed results. According to Forbes Health,
The Physicians Health Study II was the first to assess the long-term efficacy of multivitamins in preventing chronic disease. It tested four supplements (including a multivitamin) on the prevention of certain diseases among nearly 15,000 male physicians over the age of 50. Over an average of 11 years, the study found multivitamin use decreased risk of cancer by 8% and cataracts by 9%, with no effects on cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline or age-related macular degeneration.
While these aren’t the most favorable results for multivitamins, the study also showed that there were no long-term dangers to taking them. And, as Dr. Taylor Wallace—a researcher and food scientist—wrote, “When micronutrient intakes are lower than recommended levels, immediate short-term requirements for micronutrients in metabolic reactions take precedence over long-term needs—which could lead to irreversible, long-term damage in exchange for keeping your short-term needs met.”
In other words, we often need the benefits of the vitamins in the short term to keep our bodies functioning at optimal levels in the long term. As the old adage says, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
However, Healthline reported that a recent study “revealed that among women—but not men—taking a multivitamin for more than 3 years was linked to a lower risk of dying from heart disease.”
That’s great news for women! Remember, men’s and women’s bodies are different and react to things—food and things within the environment—in different ways. So a study that purposely looked at the effects on women is important.
Healthline also reports that smaller studies found that multivitamins can help “improve memory in older adults” and that some studies have found “links between poor mood and nutrient deficiencies [and] also between nutritional supplements and reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.” It also reports that vitamins can slow the progression of cataracts.
So who would benefit from a multivitamin? Lots of people, actually.
We have already discussed those who lack proper nutrition, but as we get older, our bodies do not absorb vitamins as well. Sometimes we need that boost. Pregnant or lactating women and women of childbearing age may need extra vitamins. In addition, young children who are growing often need extra nutrients. People who are taking certain medications may not be able to absorb nutrients as well as they used to. Vegans or vegetarians who do not get a lot of B12 could also benefit from a multivitamin. And people with digestive problems—such as Celiac disease, Cystic fibrosis, ulcerative colitis, and other similar diseases—could benefit as well.
A vitamin can be a great way to add missing nutrients into your body and to boost immunity, but always talk to your doctor before you give vitamins to children or before you take them yourself, especially if you are taking other supplements as well. Remember, you can have too much of a good thing. So while a multivitamin has been shown to be safe in itself, if you mix it with other supplements, you could be getting too much of a certain vitamin.
When you decide to take a multivitamin, know that it’s important to choose one with high-quality ingredients. That’s where Performance Inspired’s Multivitamin beats the rest! Ours contains vitamins A, C, D, E, thiamin, B6, B12, folate, and more! Plus it contains 1 billion CFU of probiotics, branched-chain amino acids, and is made with Whole Food Concentrates and an Energizing Herbal Complex to help you power through your day.
We take great pride in creating our products because we care about you and your health, and we use only clean ingredients. So give our Multivitamin a try!