
How to stay inspired to be better.

Congratulations! You are 16 days into your New Year’s resolution. However, maybe you’re feeling like you’re not seeing results yet. Perhaps you are starting to get sick of making the effort to go to the gym. Don’t give up! Remember, we said in an earlier post, “It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks. Don’t QUIT!”

So the real question is how do I stay Inspired?

Remind yourself why you want to accomplish the goal.

You can do this by making a list. In our busy, distracting world, it’s easy to get blown off course. In order to stay on track you need to ground yourself in your goal. So get out a piece of paper and grab a pen and get writing. Once, you write down why you set this goal, you’ll feel motivated to get back at it!

Make sure you reward yourself

Remember those new shoes you saw last month you really wanted? Well get them! After you achieve your first mini-goal of course. By rewarding yourself on losing your first ten pounds you’ll feel more motivated to go out and achieve your goals.

Build a sport team

Having the right team in place to help you is crucial to your success. You will be amazed at what you and your team can accomplish when you are all motivated and working toward the same goal.


Now that you feel motivated to achieve your goals, get out there and stay inspired!

Have your own ways to stay inspired? Leave us a comment!

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