Every month has several “official” things that we as a collective society celebrate, but here at Performance Inspired, we like to call attention to the ones related to physical or mental health. So when we found out that August is Family Fun Month, we knew we had to share some ideas with you for how to celebrate, as anything fun improves our mental health. And when our mental health improves, so does our physical health.
Families are the foundation of society, and as such we must honor and respect those who strive to keep those family ties strong. We know that there are all types of families out there, so whatever yours looks like, take this month to celebrate with some special activities. We have nine great ideas!
- Take a family hike
Grab the family and find a fun nature trail. Make sure it’s appropriate for the level of all of your family members so everyone has fun! As you walk, look at the trees, the flowers, and any animals you see. Be sure to take a picture to remember the fun time!
- Have a family game night
Put down the phones and just spend time laughing and having fun with your family. No matter what the ages, everyone can have fun playing a board game or a few rounds of your favorite card game.
- Play a sport game outside
Regardless of the skill levels of the people in your household, you can find something that will please nearly everyone. From something easy and tame like croquet or bocce ball, to tennis, flag football, basketball, or pickleball, outdoor sports can be loads of fun!
- Make a special family dinner or dessert
Ask everyone’s input and then make something everyone will enjoy and can take part in. Then sit down together to enjoy your feast and just talk and laugh. Put on some music and enjoy each other’s company.
- Contact a grandparent
Don’t forget the family members who don’t live with you! Include them in your fun and make them feel special too. Video chatting with an elderly family member will help you all feel connected and loved, which boosts serotonin levels and improves your mental health!
- Have a movie night
Choose a funny or exciting movie that everyone agrees on. Then make a special snack, turn off the lights, put away your phones, and snuggle on the couch together.
- Take a trip to a museum
Learning and seeing something new with family not only makes memories and is good for everyone’s education, but exploring something new with those you love helps solidify the bond you have.
- Read a book aloud together
This is a great activity to do with kids of all ages. Simply find an age-appropriate book and take some time each night to read it aloud and talk about it. Books like The Hobbit, Harry Potter, or those from the Narnia series are traditionally loved by all ages. Depending on the age of those in your family, you could also choose some of the classics or even condensed classics for younger children.
- Volunteer together
Doing good for others not only has the benefit of helping someone else, but it’s beneficial for us as well. When we participate in activities that help strangers, we step outside our own lives and see how others need us and the importance of caring for those around us. When done as a family, this teaches empathy and respect. And these feelings of being valued and of valuing others lead to better mental health.
Taking care of the mental and physical health of our families is crucial. So this August—and beyond—make the time to have fun with those you love. You will notice a difference!