
11 Tips to Cut Weight the Right Way

healthy weight loss tips

There’s a right way to cut and there’s a wrong way to cut. The wrong way is with severe restriction, wacky workouts and no plan to push you forward. This path could lead you to miss your goals and feel frustrated with yourself. You need a plan and you need the right information to make your cut successful. Read on and prepare yourself for a good, clean cut that will get you to your goals.

Know How Much You Need To Cut

Before you even start thinking about your cut, you need to know your goals. Are you cutting for an event? What do you want to look like? Feel like? How much effort do you want to put into your cut and what do you want the results to be?

You need to answer all of these questions for yourself and decide what you truly want your cut period to be like before embarking on it. Once you’ve got your focus and some clearly defined goals, you’ll be much more prepared to handle your cut.

Mentally Prepare Yourself

you're going to be tempted to eat things that could derail your diet or skip the gym

Speaking of preparation, you’re going to want to mentally prepare yourself for the weeks and months of cutting ahead. It’s not going to be easy and it’s not always going to be a good time. You’re going to be tempted to eat things that could derail your diet, skip the gym when you’re tired or throw in the towel. Steel yourself for these tough moments from the beginning and you’ll set up for success.

Be Ready To Face Setbacks

By mentally preparing yourself from the get-go, you’ll also be able to better accept your setbacks and failures. Cutting’s not easy and you’re going to mess up. You’ve got your plan, you’ve prepared yourself to resist situations that will throw off your cut – now get ready to accept yourself, learn what you can, and get back on track after moments of weakness.

Make Your Plan

start meal prepping if you haven't yet

Mentally, you’re ready. You’ve got your goals. Now craft a plan of action. Know where you want to be at each point in your cut and line up exactly what you need to do to get there. This is a really good time to start meal prepping, if you haven’t already. This will give you a solid plan of foods that will help you in your cut and take all the guesswork out of what you’re eating on a given day.

Open Sesamin

No, not sesame – sesamin. Sesamin is a lignan found in sesame seeds and, according to BodyBuilding.com, it decreases fat storage and increases fat oxidation. It can definitely help in the quest to cut. It activates a receptor that plays a role in fat oxidation and storage by increasing the enzymes involved in the oxidation of fats.

Saute veggies in a little bit of sesame oil or sprinkle some sesame seeds on your salad to reap the benefits of this little-known fat buster.

Think Like A Bunny

Nobody loves leafy greens like a bunny loves leafy greens, but when you’re cutting, you’re going to need to embrace leafy green vegetables just like our big-eared, hopping friends. Fit some salads with spinach, romaine lettuce, bok choy, sprouts or cabbage into your diet and you could make your cut even more successful. According to BodyBuilding.com, leafy green vegetables like these are packed with fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals, and they’re super filling with a minimal caloric impact.

One Fish, Two Fish

Who knew the key to a good cut would be fish? Work some salmon into those leafy green salads and make sure you’re getting your omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon also contains the essential fatty acids DHA and EPA, which, according to BodyBuilding.com, will aid in fat loss by stabilizing insulin levels, helping to stave off excess fat storage and boost your energy. Bonus! Fish has also been known protect against cardiovascular disease.

Love Lean Sources Of Protein

eat foods like fish turkey and chicken to get a lean source or protein at every meal

Fish and other lean sources of protein are going to be your best friends during your cut. According to BodyBuilding.com, it’s crucial to keep your protein intake up while you’re cutting or you risk your body cannibalizing itself for protein. Get a lean source of protein at every meal, be it fish, turkey, chicken, lean beef, cottage cheese, you name it. This will balance your blood sugar and keep you full.

Say Goodbye To Sugar

All of the sugar you were eating while you were bulking up is going to come back to haunt you on your cut. Sure, fruit sugars are healthy and there’s no way to completely cut sugar out of your diet, but you’re going to want to reduce your sugar intake as much as you can. Not only does sugar come with some serious calories, but it’s also been associated with obesity, heart disease and cancer, according to BodyBuilding.com. It’s just not worth including in your cut. If you are going to sneak a sugary snack into your diet, make sure you balance it out and cut calories from somewhere else so you’re still working at a deficit.

Work Your Whole Body

Looking to lose fat? Of course you are. You’re on a cut. Stick with full body workouts during your cut period. They’ll allow you to work out with the greatest frequency, while leaving you with plenty of time to recover, according to BodyBuilding.com. Since you’re going to be taking in fewer calories when you’re cutting, you’re going to have fewer reserves to help with recovery. This makes it even more important that you’re working out efficiently, and not too often. A total body workout makes that possible.

Hit The Sack Early

slacking on your sleep will negatively impact your weightloss efforts

Your sleep pattern is going to make or break your cut. According to Men’s Fitness, slacking on your sleep is going to negatively impact your weight loss efforts. “Your hunger hormones reset when you sleep,” Nathane Jackson, CSC, RNH, a health and wellness coach told the magazine, “so if you’re deprived of quality and quantity sleep, you’re behind the eight ball when you first wake up, and more likely to crave junk food and carbs.” Sleep can help you lose weight and sleep is when your muscles rebuild themselves. Make sure you’re hitting the sack about 10 p.m. and getting a solid seven or eight hours to see maximum benefits.

If you’re embarking on a cut, you’re clearly dedicated to your fitness. Make sure you have all the information you need to lose weight the healthy way to meet your fitness and physique goals.

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